

ecological safety, agrarian sector, essence, paradigm, maintenance, agroecosystem.


The article is devoted to substantiation of theoretical-methodological and methodical bases of maintenance of ecological safety of agrarian sector. The essence of the common agricultural policy is revealed, which consists in regulating the amount of responsibility for environmental protection, compliance of production activities with the established standards, which ensures sustainable development of rural areas. It is substantiated that the European practice of regulation of agrarian economy, which is based on the program-target method, determines the main directions of activity in the field of environmental protection in agriculture through program documents. The world experience of management of ecological and economic safety of agrarian sector is covered, possibilities of application of foreign experience of maintenance of ecological safety in domestic realities are outlined, use of monitoring as the tool of management of ecological and economic safety of agrarian sector is offered. The main goals of agricultural policy in the field of environmental security, which correspond to strategic priorities, have been established. A set of proposals for strengthening the environmental safety of the agricultural sector of Ukraine has been formulated. It is established that the strategy of ensuring environmental safety in the agricultural sector and the tools of strategic management in this area should take into account certain stages. An analysis of the strategic development of the agricultural sector at the national and international levels, which indicates the need to create a fundamentally new system of regulations governing environmental safety in the agricultural sector. Factors that prevent the greening of agricultural production are described. It is substantiated that the current agrarian policy of the state should take into account the priorities of environmental safety and in the process of its implementation should be based on a unified approach to ensuring the rational use of nature and environmental protection in agriculture.

Author Biography

O. Kartashova, Kherson State agrarian and economic University

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